Naughty or Nice Read online

Page 2

  As my eyes flicked over the room, they passed over a couple in the booth by the window, but only for a moment before they went right back. That was Aaron and Kate from my office. I should be able to walk over and say hello, but I wouldn’t. They were talking, and it seemed intimate, considering they were both leaning in with their heads close together and talking softly. Wasn’t she married? I thought back and realized that yes, she was married. I heard a few of the realtors she was friends with talking about her wedding and how beautiful it had been. I wouldn’t know because I hadn’t been invited. I wouldn’t have gone anyway. That was crossing into friend territory, and that wasn’t going to work for me.

  My eyes flicked back toward Aaron and held. I remember interviewing him and thinking he’d be a wonderful agent because he was so appealing. Oh, who was I kidding. He’s hot. I knew women would flock to him when house hunting, which meant big commissions for him and my business. It wasn’t just his looks, though; he seemed genuinely nice, and buyers wanted that. They wanted to feel like a friend was showing them a house. It was all about trust, and from his commissions alone, I knew our buyers trusted Aaron. He had a good year, one of the best in the company, and I suspected next year would be the same.

  When Kate lifted her phone to her ear, Aaron’s gaze slid to me. I stiffened and straightened my back. Look professional, I chanted in my head. When he tipped his chin up at me, I nodded but kept my face neutral even though I felt heat crawling up the back of my neck.


  I ripped my gaze from his and looked at the younger barista, who had taken the brunette’s place and was now smiling at me. She motioned toward my bag and latte, and I smiled. “Thank you.”

  Grabbing my stuff, I turned toward the door, allowing my eyes to look back at the booth. Aaron was still watching me, but he wasn’t smiling, and he smiles all the time. His movie star smile makes all the female realtors in the office swoon and probably some of the men, but for me, the smile was wiped clean.

  I tore my attention from him and made my way out the door and onto the sidewalk where I took a deep breath. Out of everyone in the office, he’s been the only one who has ever made me feel nervous and edgy.

  I refused to even consider what that meant.

  I took a few steps away from the door and threw the bag containing my cinnamon bun in the trash before I lifted the lid on my to-go cup and slid it off so my coffee could cool down.

  Moving back into the crowd walking along the street, I cringed when a pain shot up the side of my leg, and I knew these heels would be going in the garbage when I got home. I loved them. I thought they were gorgeous, and they made me feel sexy, but pain wasn’t sexy.

  Hell, I wasn’t sexy.

  I was boring and predictable.

  And tired.

  So freaking tired.



  Cursing, I bent down when I noticed my sneaker was untied and quickly retied it before standing and putting my earbuds in. It was cool this morning, cooler than it had been last week, but I’d be warm in no time even wearing only my sweats and hoodie. This was my morning routine and had been since college. Stress was my enemy, and the only way I’d found to combat it was by running or fucking. Considering I hadn’t so much as been on a date in the past however many months—I’d honestly lost count—I knew it wasn’t going to be fucking that cleared my mind.

  I took off at a slow jog to warm my muscles, my breath like puffs of smoke in the cold morning air, but already, I felt my body warming and loosening. I was a creature of habit and usually ran the same way, but the past couple of mornings, I’d changed my route to run the street parallel to my office. It was curiosity, really, after I saw Taylor getting a coffee and some kind of pastry last week while Kate and I were having lunch. She seemed different while she stood at the counter. The cold attitude she usually exhibited was gone, and she even smiled at both Sydney and the young barista who jumped in to help when the crowd got larger. But as soon as she saw Kate and me, the cold look of indifference slipped right back into place. Like a mask.

  The next morning, I changed my route and saw that she was in the office. Looking at my watch, I saw it had been seven a.m., which was my normal running time. The next day, I pushed it back a half hour, and there she was again. I could see her sitting at her desk because the door to her office was open. She looked as professional as she would at nine when the office staff showed up, and she’d still look the same at five or six when we were all finishing up.

  Her mask was firmly in place as long as she was in that office.

  It made me curious to see her out of the office because I was starting to wonder whether she was really the ice queen she wanted us all to believe she was. I was also curious as to why she bought a pastry that day, walked out the door, and then threw it in the trash. It was completely illogical to me, and I’d always been a slave to a good puzzle.

  This morning was exactly a week later, and I’d kicked my running time back to five a.m. I’d even considered running in the evenings to see if she was still there and how late she stayed, but I knew it was pointless. She was there. It was almost as if she never left.

  I ran the mile to the office and loved the burn in my muscles as I pushed them harder. I liked to lift too and usually hit the gym after work for an hour or so, but not every night. I used to be more serious about it when I was in college and figured out the best way to get a girl, considering I was shy, was to have a body that spoke for me. Vain, absolutely, and I’ve since learned to talk to women, but back then, I’d been a shy, skinny kid so it took me a while to find my confidence, especially with the opposite sex.

  Slowing down when I reached my office building, I jogged in place across the street for a moment to relax my muscles, and damn if she wasn’t sitting at her desk already. I glanced down at my phone and noted the time. 5:15 a.m. Jesus, did she even go home?

  I clicked through a few songs on my playlist until I found the one I wanted. Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I glanced once more toward the building before I turned around and started home. I had my annual review scheduled later today with Ms. Hawkins. I may just find a way to bring it up.

  I was back on my street in no time, and because I’d been up so early, I hit the gym before returning home and jumping in the shower. I loved the area I lived in. I could walk to Main Street where everything was in this town, but it was far enough back from Main that I wasn’t bothered by the crowds when I didn’t want to be. I could walk to my gym and to work, although I usually drove because I would have showings scheduled. My townhouse was nice, but I’d had my eye on a house I fell in love with the first time I saw it. Buying that house would be the only reason I’d move, and considering it was only two blocks from my current address, the best part was I wouldn’t have to move far.

  Walking into my office, I grinned at Kate who was already answering calls, and she rolled her eyes at me while pointing at the phone against her ear. I chuckled but kept walking until I reached my desk. Our office space was small, and there were ten real estate agents in here, so we didn’t have private offices, more like cubicles. I’d been hoping since I started two years ago that Hawkins would find a bigger building with more space, but that hasn’t happened. I wasn’t surprised, considering we had prime real estate on Main Street, and there just weren’t big spaces available.

  I threw my stuff down and only just sat in my chair when Tricia, a fellow agent, rounded my partition. “Dragon will see you now.”

  My eyebrows drew together. “What?”

  “Hawkins.” She gestured behind her to the closed door. “She’s doing yearly reviews today, in case you forgot.”

  I shook my head. “You call her dragon?”

  Tricia shrugged. “Everyone does.”

  I don’t, was my first thought, but I dismissed it, thinking it was a little juvenile. Tricia was one of the younger employees as were a few others, so maybe shit like that was still funny to them. The last I hea
rd they referred to her as the ice queen, but I guess that had changed. I may have called her ice queen in my mind, but I would never say that to any of the other employees, except for Kate. As a matter of fact, the only person I ever discussed Taylor Hawkins with was Kate, and that’s because she and I are similar in our views and discretions.

  I stood from the seat I just sat down in. “She asked for me?”

  Tricia nodded. “She said if you were here to send you in.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I moved around my desk only to come to a stop in front of Tricia who still hadn’t moved.

  She smiled and tilted her head back to look up at me. I was tall at six feet, two inches, but she was extremely short and just small everywhere. She couldn’t be more than eighty pounds and five feet tall. When she laid her hand on my chest, I almost rolled my eyes. We’d done this dance before, and I still wasn’t interested. I didn’t mind aggressive women, especially if I was interested, but Tricia wasn’t my type at all. She looked like I could snap her in half, which was a huge turn-off for me because I didn’t want to have to worry about the woman’s size or what she could take from me when we were in bed.

  “You wanna grab drinks tonight?”

  I gently pulled her hand from my chest and smiled. “I’m sorry, I have plans.”

  She licked her lips, but I didn’t take the bait. “Maybe another time.”

  I gestured toward the office. “I better get in there.”

  She made a face of distaste. “Oh, yeah. Good luck with her.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered. Moving around her, I headed straight for the closed office door and knocked.

  “Come in.” Her abrupt tone didn’t surprise me, but this time, it almost made me grin. I’d seen her smile and act friendly with people, which made me question everything I originally thought.

  I pushed through the door and closed it behind me, earning me a glance from her. She gestured toward the chair in front of her desk and rooted through a stack of folders sitting beside her. “Mr. Barlett, please sit down.”

  I smiled. “You can call me Aaron.”

  She glanced up but quickly lowered her head and opened the folder in front of her. I could only assume it was my personnel file. “’You’ve had a great year.”

  I sat up straighter, surprised by her remark, and then downright shocked when she continued speaking. “As a matter of fact, the three years you’ve been here have been remarkably profitable, and your showings and sales ratios continue to increase.”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “No, thank you.” She looked up and gave me a small smile. “It’s nice to have a team player.”

  I lifted an eyebrow. “The others aren’t team players?”

  She jerked back like she just realized what she’d implied and rolled her lips together. “I only meant I appreciate your loyalty to the company.”

  “I like this company,” I answered honestly. “The commissions are fair, if not generous, and there always seems to be demand.”

  She seemed taken aback. “Oh, um…” She stammered. “Well, I’m glad you think so.”

  I felt like this was an odd side of her, but next to the day she interviewed me and past years’ reviews, we’ve never had a conversation. She was usually abrupt, said what she needed to, and then politely kicked me out. Today, she seemed different, but maybe I was looking at her differently too.

  I nodded. “I do.”

  “Good.” She nodded and closed my file. “Do you have any questions or concerns?”

  Here was my chance, and it didn’t feel as awkward as I thought it would for some reason. Maybe seeing her outside of here last week made her seem more approachable. I don’t know, but I did know my curiosity had won out. “I do have a question.”

  “Of course.” She gestured toward me. “What is it?”

  I hesitated, but only for a moment, before speaking. “What time do you get to the office in the morning?”

  She tilted her head to the side and frowned. I knew I caught her off guard, but other than that, I couldn’t read her expression. “I’m not sure how that’s relevant to your review.”

  I lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “It’s not. I’m just curious.”

  She shook her head. “Why?”

  I spread my legs out a little wider and leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees and looking directly into her dark brown eyes. “Because I run in the morning, and my path is by the office. Every day, I run a little earlier, and you’re always here.”

  She sat back. “I own the company, Mr. Barlett. There’s always a lot to be done.”

  “Can’t you delegate?”

  She smiled, but this time, it had lost its warmth. “This really isn’t your business.” She stood and gestured toward the door. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have a lot more employees to see today.”

  I stood slowly. “One more question.”

  Her posture grew stiffer, if that was even possible. “Why did you buy a pastry last week at Joe’s and then throw it away right outside?”

  “Yet another thing that isn’t your business,” she said icily.

  “Hmm…” I muttered under my breath. “I guess not. Just seemed odd to me.”

  She walked around her desk and moved straight to the door. She really wanted me to leave, and I usually would just shrug and go, but for some reason, the more she wanted me to go, the more I wanted to buck her.

  I moved to stand right in front of the door, reaching it at almost the same moment as she did. “You were different in the coffee shop last week. I saw it.” I took a step closer to where she stood, back stiff, chin lifted. “You were warm and personable, but here, you’re…”

  I trailed off, and her eyes flashed before she finished my sentence. “A bitch.”

  I held my tongue, but she continued. “That’s what you were going to say, right, Mr. Barlett? I mean, I’m assuming I’m not exaggerating too much, am I?”

  I took another step closer and lowered my voice. “You can be warm here too.”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I tried, I really did, but her breasts pushed against her blouse and there was no way to stop my eyes from glancing down. Her blouse was already tight against her chest, and I assumed it wasn’t because she wanted it that way, but because she was stacked. She was curvy everywhere from her breasts to her hips and especially her ass, which I’d noticed one too many times in the past few years.

  I shifted my attention back to her face, but I couldn’t read her expression. “Look, Mr. Barlett…”

  “Aaron,” I corrected.

  She gritted her teeth. “I know that you’re a nice guy. Probably like everyone to get along and be friends, go out for drinks on Friday nights after a long week, and all that jazz, but I’m your boss. I’m no one’s friend here. I have a company to run, not friends to make.”

  “Why can’t you do both?”

  She smiled without any affection. “Because that’s not how it works.”

  I dropped my head, but only a small amount before my face was close to the side of her face. I liked that she was tall, probably five feet, eight inches or so, because I didn’t have to bend as far. I shouldn’t even be doing this, but for some reason, her behavior last week piqued my interest, and I couldn’t seem to stop myself.

  I let myself take a deep inhale of her scent, which was soft and fruity, almost underwhelming, like she was trying to go unnoticed. “You can run a successful company without being a bitch or anyone’s best friend.”

  She inhaled, but it was shaky, and I realized I was making her nervous standing this close. I didn’t move back. “That’s impossible,” she whispered. “You need to go.”

  I turned my head slightly, putting our faces only inches apart. Her tongue darted out, and she licked her lips, the sight making my dick start to swell, and I couldn’t help but wonder where this was coming from. For years, we’ve worked in the same building, and while I was attracted to her physically, I was not attracted to her personality. F
or me to be with a woman, I needed both. But last week, she smiled at Sydney, and something changed. I saw something in her that was in complete contrast to what I believed I knew, and since then, I’d been imagining those lips against mine.

  And what it would feel like to trail my fingers over all those curves.

  “I’ll go,” I said, my eyes searching hers for any hint of emotion, but her mask was back in place, and her body had stiffened. “For now.”

  I backed up a few steps. She watched closely while I turned, opened the door, and sent her a small grin over my shoulder right before I left her office.

  And I held that grin the entire walk to my desk.



  “He what?”

  I put my feet up on the railing of my small balcony and settled back into the chair. It was cold outside tonight, but this was my favorite time of year. Probably no surprise since my nickname was something like ice bitch or ice queen, I couldn’t remember. I tipped the warm mug to my mouth and drank a few sips of the steaming hot coffee. Coffee I shouldn’t be drinking this late if I had any hopes of sleeping tonight.

  I rubbed one socked foot against the other and snuggled further into my oversized hoodie, my blanket already draped over the back of my chair if the air got too cold. “You heard me right.”

  “Do you think he was flirting with you?” my sister, Renee, asked.

  I pressed the phone to my ear. “I don’t think so. He’s a smart guy; I think he’s just trying to figure me out. Or he’s playing some kind of joke on me. Either way, I didn’t take the bait, so it’s all good.”